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Check me out in Velvet Magazine Velvet Magazine - Beauty, Fashion, Food, Fitness and Home news - a wonderful article on what it is to be a celebrant. Page 69.

Proud to finally bring you a totally unique package

A wonderful collaboration with a local silversmith - Teresa Crickmar

Offering couples the opportunity to design and create their own unique wedding bands and create their own personalised wedding ceremony.

Click the link to find out more

Forged in Love 

Get Outdoors!

Why not plan your special celebration to be outside.  Perhaps you have a favourite woodland spot or a fantastic garden.  There is nothing stopping you from taking your day outside - even the great British weather can't stop you!

My ceremonies aim to harness the energy given by Gaia (mother nature) and there is no better way to be grounded on the earth.  You can even try a spot of forest bathing for you and your guests. 

A stunning setting at fforest Farm - Pembrokeshire

It is worth noting...

A legal wedding for under £100 which everyone is entitled to by law if -

. you have it at the registry office

. you don't have it at an approved venue

But you're determined to marry at your venue? There is a way, skip down to where it says MANY COUPLES

So, at some registry offices you can only have this option on a certain day of the week...why? Legally you have to be offered this cost option...BUT...

on other days at some registry offices to have your legal ceremony you have to hire an approved room in the same building which costs a whole lot more. The same applies if you choose an approved venue, it can then cost over £700! The ceremony is exactly the same just in a different place, and you might not get the time slot you want either.

Often this isn't made very clear to couples and its not easy to interpret on websites.

COUPLES who know ...do the legal ceremony for under £100 and have a celebrant create something personal and meaningful for them at their chosen venue, and it can be just like the legal ceremony if you like, the added bonus is more choice of venue as it doesn't have to be licensed for ceremony, and you choose the time of your ceremony. This applies to weddings in England.

So if you have any questions about this or want to know more get in touch.

Implementation of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 received Royal Assent in April this year. It came into effect on Monday 27 February 2023.

The Act has raised the age of marriage and civil partnership to 18 in England and Wales to protect children from the scourge of forced marriage.

This means that 16 to 17-year-olds will no longer be able to marry or enter a civil partnership under any circumstances, including with parental or judicial consent from 26 February 2023. It will not be possible for anyone under 18 to marry or enter a civil partnership after this date. 

More details here Implementation of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

A very important consultation that is currently taking place and is long overdue.

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published its recommendations to reform weddings law, proposing a fairer system that gives couples more choice over where and how their wedding takes place.

The problem

The main law which governs marriage is from 1836 and has failed to keep pace with modern life.

How and where marriages can take place is tightly regulated, and differs depending on the type of wedding. At present, couples have to make a choice between a religious or a civil ceremony, with no option for a ceremony reflecting other beliefs. Couples having an Anglican wedding can give notice to the church; all other couples must give notice at the register office. With few exceptions, all couples must have their wedding in a place of worship, a register office or a venue approved for civil weddings. Nor can they generally marry outdoors except in the grounds of approved premises.

If a couple does not comply with the legal requirements, which may happen with some religious ceremonies, their marriage may not be legally recognised. People often only discover their lack of legal status when their relationship ends, on death or by separation. This means the parties have no legal status or protection and are not counted as married.

More details here Weddings - Law Commission 

Key take away from the consultation is 

Who should be able to solemnize a marriage, including considering how a scheme could include weddings conducted by non-religious belief organisations and independent celebrants. The Law Commission will not, however, be making recommendations on whether as a matter of policy new groups should be allowed to conduct legally binding weddings.