End of Life Ceremonies

The end of a life brings with it sadness and a sense of loss, but this should not be reflected in the celebration of life ceremony.  A celebration of life ceremony should be a time for reflection and an opportunity to celebrate the passing of a loved one. I work closely with both the family and the Funeral Directors to ensure that the celebration of life ceremony reflects the life of person who lived.

A celebration of life ceremony can be held after, or instead of a traditional funeral service.  Many people choose to have a cremation service and using a celebrant for an end of life celebration is a positive and uplifting way to remember a loved one.  It is the opportunity to focus on the memories and good times that you have shared.

By choosing to use a celebrant you can shape your ceremony to look the way that you want and include the wishes of the person who has departed.  It can include readings, poems, psalms, or prayers.  A eulogy is usually part of the ceremony and this can be written with you, and delivered either by the celebrant or by a family member or friend.  

Music is a wonderful way to allow your guests the chance to reflect on their own thoughts and memories, and you may want to include a photo of your loved one to be on display during the ceremony.

An celebration of life ceremony can take place near to the time or in the months after death when the intitial grief has passed and you are feeling more able to cope.  It can also be held on a special date, may be on the anniversary of the death, the loved one birthday or another symbolic date. 

Please do get in touch to discuss further.

Prices range from £200 - £350 


Dear Mel

Thank you so much for yesterday and for your patience and understanding in the lead up to the funeral. I received nothing but positive comments about you all afternoon with many people asking how we had found you. Everybody was very impressed and said it was the best funeral service that they had attended, with many of Mum’s friends saying they want their own funerals to be the same!

You really captured xxxx’s spirit and personality with all your lovely embellishments such as “grabbing life by the big shiny bowling ball”. Words cannot express my gratitude to you. Many thanks, you made my day very special.

Kindest regards and best wishes
