Commitment Ceremony

What is a commitment ceremony and why have one?

There are a number of reasons why you may not want to get married legally - financial or tax reasons, personal, family-related, moral or religious.  Another example: in some places, there’s a waiting period to get remarried after a divorce and, of course, you cannot marry someone new if you’re already married. If either of you has previously been married and the situation is a bit messy, a commitment ceremony may be a great option.

Perhaps, you the idea of a traditional legal wedding and wedding ceremony simply do not suit who you are as individuals but you still value the importance of making a public pledge and commitment to each other. 

It may be that you are going to marry legally but wish to celebrate your day prior to conducting the legalities - a commitment ceremony would be the perfect option. 

I offer a free, 45 minute, consultation meeting so that we can discuss your requirements and get to know each other. 

Commitment celebration ceremonies cost £550** and include